Weekend Recap

Responsible Leadership Recap

On Saturday, January 18th, AWiBers had a roundtable discussion on Responsible Leadership led by Siham Ayele, Country Manager of Africa Jobs Network. The session began with self-introductions, and a reflective question that encouraged participants to share their aspirations. 

What’s in a Dream Recap

On December 21, 2024, Saturday morning, we had an inspiring ‘What’s in a Dream’ session led by AWiB’s very own Lidya Yohannes, Membership Programs Manager. The session featured an engaging round table discussion where participants discussed their dreams and aspirations.

Self-love Recap

On December 14, 2024, AWiB presented Self-Love by Mastewal Habtamu. Members introduce themselves and explain their former understanding of the topic (Self-love). During the session, some questions and personal analysis tests were given to the members to test their deeper sense of self-love and reflect upon themself. The questions were “What is self-love?”, “Why do we lose self-love?” Members shared their own experiences and insights on the Question.

Self Branding Recap

AWiBers got together to attend the seminar titled ‘Self Branding’ on Saturday, November 16, 2024, facilitated by Selam Minaye, Strategy Director at Orangeswitch. The objective of the seminar was for participants to gain tools so they can easily define their brand, become an expert, establish a presence, connect with the right network, and get feedback from the people who are close to them.

Health Smart Recap

On November 9,2024 AWiB held a full-day seminar mainly focusing on Nutrition, Mental Health & Physical Movement.
The session started with a quick warm-up to get everyone’s enthusiasm up, followed by an engaging self-introduction that included a name and a one body action as energizer Zochi asserted that physical health is the perfect balance of mental, emotional, and physical activity. he processed with breathing exercises to show the importance of body and mind alignment.

Radical Acceptance Recap

AWiBer’s joined the cozy afternoon seminar titled ‘Radical Acceptance’ on Saturday, October 19, 2024 facilitated by Hasset Chenu, Founder & CEO of Mental Health Addis. Hasset began the session by introducing herself and asking the participants to introduce themselves and what they work on. This supported the members in broadening their network and sharing their businesses to those who were present.