Female CEO Breakfast Club (FCBC)
The Female CEO Breakfast Club (FCBC) was founded in 2017 as part of AWiB’s senior women business owners’ alliance. The intent for the creation of FCBC is to provide a platform for female CEOs to connect, collaborate, and grow together. FCBC members meet once a month, where they participate in programs tailored to their specific needs.
In addition to networking and professional development, the FCBC is posed to mentor and coach junior businesses. As a result, the Senior to Junior Business Seminar was created in 2019. The aim of the seminar is designed to provide practical advice and guidance for local business owners. Through sharing their experiences, the FCBC members help business owners avoid the pitfalls and challenges they encountered in their journeys. This contribution to the local business community is AWiB’s significant achievement, bringing together ambitious entrepreneurs and contributing to Ethiopia’s economic growth.
FCBC Members
Amakelech Lulu
Andinet Feleke
Andinet FelekeFounder of Jacaranda Tour Company Andinet Feleke is the founder of Jacaranda Tour Company,…
Aster Solomon
Aster SolomonOwner Mosaic hotel, co-founder of Enat Bank Aster Solomon is the co-founder and general…
Bilen Aynu
Bilen Aynufounder of Savor Restaurant and Café Bilen Aynu is founder of Savor Restaurant and…
Birtukan Abebe
Birtukan AbebeCEO of Peniel Industry PLC Birtukan Abebe is the CEO of Peniel Industry PLC….
Eden Gebre
Eden GebreDeputy CEO of Renaissance Stones Deputy CEO of Renaissance Stones
Ekram Akill
Ekram AkillGeneral Manager of Yetem Trading Plc Ekram Akill is the general manager of Yetem…
Emebet Melese Zeleke PhD
Emebet Melese Zeleke PhDthe Vice President of the CBE Strategic Planning and Transformation Office Emebet…
Frehiwot Worku
Frehiwot Worku Freelance Consultant Frehiwot is a freelance consultant. She also was the secretary General…
Genet Abebe
Genet AbebeHead of People and Culture at MasterCard Foundation Genet Abebe is the Head of…