AWiB’s Senior To Junior Business Seminar

In 2019, AWiB launched a pioneering initiative called “Senior to Junior Business Seminar” in alignment with Her core mission to serve the business community. This seminar is a dedicated effort to empower and provide practical advice & guidance to local business owners. Seasoned entrepreneurs, or “Seniors,” with years of successful business ventures, share their insights and wisdom with “Junior” businesswomen, those navigating the entrepreneurial landscape for less than five years.

FCBC was established in 2017 to serve as a dynamic platform for female CEOs to connect, collaborate, and collectively advance. By sharing their hard-earned lessons, these magnanimous women aim to spare aspiring and ambitious businesses unnecessary challenges and setbacks, considering reinventing the wheel both wasteful and time-consuming.

This seminar experience is truly unique, being the first of its kind—a business seminar designed by and for locals, addressing the real challenges within the Ethiopian context. Delivered by practitioners themselves, it offers an authentic perspective on business strategy, operations, human resources, accounting and finance, and networking.

AWiB takes immense pride in bringing together individuals ambitious enough to establish and grow their own businesses, contributing to Ethiopia’s upward trajectory. These seminars serve as a valuable platform for exploration and discussion on critical business aspects, encouraging participants to leverage this opportunity for their professional advancement

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