Thriving in Times of Uncertainty

“When nothing is sure, everything is possible.”

– Margaret Drabble

November 2021

is possible.” – Margaret Drabble

This seminar highlighted how in normal times organizations face numerous uncertainties of varying consequences which leaders use to tackle challenges by relying on established structures and processes designed to reduce uncertainty and maximize calculated risk management. However, when serious crises occur, the normal way of working becomes inadequate.

The aim of this seminar was to uncover challenges as a result of uncertain times, how to use marketing, promotion, and communication to navigate, acceptance, creativity, access to finance, changes in consumer behavior, war & economic impact.

Participants learned that uncertainty has always been a part of life and can be positive, like moving to a new city. But when they’re unexpected, they’re often disruptive and difficult. Participants took away times of uncertainty, good or catastrophic, which may allow us to experience brand-new feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and strategies. Rapidly moving events demand continuous learning and constant review of assumptions. It demands flexibility, and innovation that helps us respond continuously to dynamic and wrenching change. As they say, change is the only constant thing in life. If we move along the curve of change, uncertainty could be our fertile ground to thrive and beat the odds.