Ruth Mekasha

The Boundaries Within

I often find myself pondering; where does my boundary end, and where do others begin? There is an invisible yet palpable line within each of us dictating how we navigate our understanding of ourselves, and those around us. Without a clear grasp of where this boundary lies, misunderstandings and emotional distress is inevitable.

The Beauty of Being Unfinished

The constant need for completeness engulfs us in our daily lives. Who are we? Give us something – anything – what’s our label? Between ‘What’s your name?’ and ‘What do you do?’ lies a pre-determined soliloquy that quenches a curious stranger’s thirst, while we repeatedly tell ourselves what makes us, US. It is a tradition, a universal law to be categorized; it has been done since the beginning of time.

Female Friendships

To be loved is to be known; to be understood. I regard myself lucky to have built relationships that add to my growth and feed my emotional components. For me, it is a significant need to be understood – more than the need to be loved. Although, they go hand in hand.

Live loudly; Occupy space

In a community where a woman’s character is often judged by how obedient and docile she appears, having an opinionated stand is a privilege not many can afford or dare. For generations, the majority of the female population has been given a specific script to live by; a responsibility to uphold while also maintaining the facade of a ‘kept woman.’

Insights from Solomon’s Paradox

Before Computers and digital games, a third grader’s joy came from storytime. I was one of those students who relished listening to the teacher’s captivating tales. I remember a specific story one of my favorite teachers told us. He narrated a story about King Solomon of Israel.

The Search for Meaning

The search for perfect happiness has worn out the soles of many men. Throughout history, philosophers have pondered and wondered about the remedy of a happy life. Ultimately, the consequential terms Existentialism, Nihilism, and Absurdism were coined. Before telling you which group I relate to, I want to explain their meaning.

Notes on Perfectionism

I had a friend who always used to say ‘If I look for perfection, I’ll find excellence.’ He even had it on his bio on social media. When I asked him what he meant by that, he explained,’ Even though I can never achieve perfection, inevitably, I can attain excellence.’

Wherever you go, there you are

It was when I joined the university that I realized my distorted sense of self. I was surprised to find that I brought my thoughts, my insecurities, and my perspective with me. The silver lining is, that once you accept the fact that you can not escape yourself, a new wave of hope arises.