Samrawit Moges Beyene

In the limelight we put our member Ms. Samrawit Moges Beyene. Samrawit is the recipient of the 2011 TIAW World of Difference 100 Awards. This award is given to 100 extraordinary women from around the world who have contributed to the economic empowerment of women. We say it is a well deserving award. Samrawit is a very conscientious woman. She is a true leader who develops others and shares her resources and her knowledge freely. She is a true citizen and we are proud she is part of AWiB.

Samrawit with her husband and business partner Thomas Matanovich founded Travel Ethiopia in 1994. This major travel and tour company through its world class service and well trained tour guides ( mostly women), sets an example of hiring and promoting female in the tourism industry. http://www.travelethiopia/ .com

Samrawit, through her diverse and numerous companies, provides employment close to 700 persons with 75% women. Samrawit is a trailblazer and a formidable entrepreneur. Her leadership skill has set example of how to develop and keep your best employees. Considering the dearth of skilled labor in the nation, this is not a small feat. She leads by example and others follow.

In addition to being responsible for the success of her companies and their clients, Samrawit invests her time, energy and resources to help and improve her community. She is one of the Founders and Board members of “Women for Life”, a foundation created to expand and upgrade Gandhi Hospital become a state of the art women medical center in the country, and Women Entrepreneur Group (WEG).

Samrawit sits on a number of other organizations’ board including the Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce. She is President of the Ethiopian Ecotourism Assocation, President of Women Entrepreneur Network Councel formed under the Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce, and is an active member of Toast Masters International and the Rotary Club. Under her leadership as a President of the Rotary Club in 2001, 100 houses mainly for single women led household were constructed and distributed.

Samrawit Moges Beyene got her first degree from the Addis Ababa University in Journalism and her diploma in Tourism Management in Italy.

Samrawit is married to her long time life and business partner Thomas Matanovich and has two marvelous kids, Christian and Hanna.

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