The most important human right is the right to dream

A Dream Realized

“The most important Human Right is the right to dream” -unknown author-

Dr. Eleni joined EWiB as a member and her speech last night was elevating and made all of us think about our ability to dream and to pursue that dream unabashedly. She also provoked us into contemplating the meaning of courage…is it the absence of fear? No, she said but courage is the determination to face fear.

Eleni spoke at EWiB’s monthly meeting to a crowd of 75. Not only as the ENGINE of a big dream that materialized to bring “the other face of Ethiopia” to You tube, Facebook, Google and all International Conferences, but as a simple person with all the emotions that we all encounter. She spoke of the right she was given by her parents to dream no matter how ridiculous that dream might sound –to act as she pleases. She told us her mother, who passed away last week, encouraged her to be herself and to be true to herself. Eleni believes that is the cornerstone of her incredible success. She shared so much and we all fell in love with this “firecracker” as a human. Imagine…a strong world leader showing her venerable side. That is Maturity!

“???? ??? ????? ??? ??????” a memorable message relayed to her by the ever supporting father when she was wondering about what awaits her when she embarks the commodity exchange business in Ethiopia, no less! A woman who was lucky enough to have two supporting parents, to grow and mature in three continents, to have the opportunity to learn many languages, to get the best education that money could buy, and to make good on her investment….

Eleni spoke eloquently as only to be expected from Eleni but the audience that was mesmerized by her presentation made her stay way passed our closing time. And get this! Eleni has a poetic side…there…you are exposed my friend! We wait for her book that she plans to write and soon.

In her honor and two other strong women in the house, Samrawit Moges and Nigist Haile, we cut uhhh…not a ribbon…better… a cake! We needed the nourishment. Literally and figuratively!

We thank our Nadia for affording us with a big, delicious cake for all.

EWiB is a stage where women could come together to support each other and pull each other to where their dream takes them. I must say this Speaker’s forum was not one to be missed by any of you who received the invitation. We could learn from each other and make each other winners in our professional and personal lives.

We invite you to join us as members. Our members are from CEOs to aspiring secretaries; from home makers to ladies of leisure; from formidable leaders of NGO’s who made a mountain of difference in their communities to their beneficiaries. We are Diasporas, Lameboras and anything in between. WE are women IN business—women who lead their lives purposefully.

Dr. Eleni has joined EWiB as a member …need I say more? I must say she was pretty impressed by the gathering of minds. That’s what we are — the finest and genuine of minds and we invite all of you to join us.

Our program for the 2011:

October: the new rules and regulations of taxes, licenses, new pension plan, and anything in between … what do they need from us any way?

November: We will celebrate one of our successes — Samrawit Moges, recipient of: TIAW World of Difference 100 Awards. Each year the International Alliance for Women (TIAW) recognizes up to 100 extraordinary women from around the world who have contributed to the economic empowerment of women. Samrawit will receive her award in Washington DC October 27, 2011. Our members make us proud!

December:” A sense of Insecurity and the impact on us Women” will be presented by Roman Kifle

Come for the friendship; come for the sharing; come for the good times with your girlfriends. But do come! We don’t want you to miss the opportunity to change your life for good.


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