Samrawit Meressa – 2023 President

Samrawit Meressa

AWiB President 2023

Samrawit is a Production Managing Director on Titilo Show broadcasted on DSTV that produces reality show for children with experienced and accomplished team. Samrawit is also a team member of a family owned jewelry business, Zoskales Diamond. She serves as an assistant manager in Zoskales. Samrawit is passionate about Jewelry.  She grew up watching her father design and sell jewelries. The exposure helped Samrawit develop an eye for incredible and unforgettable pieces. She trains to develop her innate skill for jewelry and fulfilling her vision of creating pieces that are relatable and memorable. Samrawit believes in the uniqueness of Ethiopian jewelry and craftsmanship that goes centuries back. She wants to tell untold stories using jewelry as a tool. Her mission is to create a colony of jewelers that will make Ethiopian Jewelry outshine globally.

Samrawit has played a crucial role in AWiB’s sustainability after Covid 19 by leading a dedicated team in fundraising campaign” Fund for AWiB” (FFA) that used different programs and schemes to help AWiB survive financially in 2021. This experience has affirmed to her that she is a strong leader who has the skills to delegate to get the job done and bring out talents to the AWiB circle.

Throughout her life’s journey, Samrawit has learned that excellence means being honest to self and others. Honesty creates trust and hence customer loyalty. Samrawit believe this self-discovery helps her be the best version of herself.

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