New Forces of AWiB

AWiB is progressive and proactive. AWiB self-reflects and transforms. AWiB faces challenges strategically and ensures sustainability. AWiB’s Strategic Leadership Team – SLT – is a concrete evidence of its tenacious yet adaptable character. The SLT is responsible for recruiting AWiB’s 2017 and 2018 board through rigorous process using detailed criteria.

The first batch of board members recruited by the SLT, Metasebia Shewaye Yilma (2018 President), Mekuriayenesh Abebe “Maki”, Sara Tadiwos, Semhal Guesh and Sewit Hailesilassie, have served AWiB in 2017. As there was no president in 2017, top leadership was rotating throughout the year so all board members could get the opportunity to exercise presidency as month leads. In September 2017, they warmly welcomed 4 new board members for 2018; Adanech Kebede, Felekech Biratu, Marthe Ngozu and Tsedey Tefera.

These 9 enthusiastic, driven and dedicated women from diverse professional background are here to lead AWiB and transform lives.

Metasebia Shewaye Yilma “Meti”: Meti’slove-at-first-sight moment with AWiB happened during Women of Excellence. She said “I Do” and committed to its cause after reading Billene Seyoum’s book, Transformative Spaces. Meti accepted the presidency as she believes AWiB is the best platform to foster conscious leadership through self-reflection and transformation. She also found AWiB’s space conducive for learning, sharing and growing as a community as it encourages intriguing conversations and courageous approaches. Meti is dedicated to serve AWIB using her adventurous and compassionate character, her reach media and communication experience, and her global network. Meti wants AWiB to be the 1st name that comes to peoples’ mind when they think of women, leadership and transformation. Hence AWiB’s theme for 2018 is Visibility.

Sewit HaileSelassie: The feisty, sweet and smart Sewit brought to AWiB’s leadership her unmatched curiosity, passion and tenacity to contribute to the progress of its cause: to see as many women practicing leadership in Ethiopia. She wants to take her reign in shaping such a prominent organization ensuring strong women’s leadership in Ethiopia and she is using her expertise in gender and communication to fulfill her ambition. During her time as month lead, Sewit exhibited her impeccable integrity, boundless potential and concrete leadership skills.

Mekuriayenesh Abebe “Maki”: It’s not only the contagious smile and cheerfulness that Maki brings to AWiB, but also her loyal, fair, and responsible personality. She was introduced to AWiB during the annual May Forum. Maki is one of the most visible products of AWiB; through the Conversational English class, one of its most successful programs, she has become a better communicator, self-assured and master at networking. By serving on the board, Maki understands AWiB’s vitality and effectiveness. Hence her dedication to promote AWiB so that many more women can benefit from it.

Semhal Guesh: Semhal came onboard of AWiB’s leadership to learn how to give back by sharing her architectural background and entrepreneurial skillsto those who didn’t get similar opportunity and exposure. Her journey in AWiB’s board in 2017 was definitely an exciting and transformational ride as Semhal gives AWiB credit for her personal and professional growth within the year. She is a creative, fair and honest person whose ambition is to establish and run a company that brings positive social impact. And Semhal found the best platform with strong foundation to materialize all her plans: giving back and build an empire.

Sara Tadiwos: Sara has experienced the multiplier effect that AWiB leadership provides as it has helped her to stand up for herself, face her fears, unleash her power as well as network with influential voices and powerfulchange makers. Using her adaptable, approachable, respectful and responsible personality, Sara contributes towards AWiB’s growth by sharing innovative ideas, developing others, enrolling new members and establishing collaborations. AWiB is action oriented and that gives Sara push to grow personally and professionally while sharpening her leadership skills and contributing to the community.

Adanech Kebede: Adanech’s ambition, dedication and transparency brought her from working as a telephone operator to becoming a country director of an international NGO. Her wide network and her practical management skills are among the virtues Adanech brought to AWiB’s leadership. After climbing higher on the leadership ladder and serving in various boards, Adanech strongly believes there is always so much to learn and to grow hence she joined AWiB with strong curiosity and openness. AWiB’s programs have already served Adanech right as she constantly self-reflects and prioritizes what’s important in her life. She is committed to bring many women and help them benefit from AWiB’s gains.

Felekech Zewdie “Fei”: Felekech brings her corporate experience and different perspectives to AWiB as well as learn from the diversity of AWiB’s membership. Goal-oriented, driven and team-player woman that she is, Fei sets a personal goal to challenge herself and grow within the leadership team while she ensures that AWiB achieves its goals and makes an impact in the community. Her work ethic, strategic-thinking and determination will be assets for AWiB. Using her considerate, reliable and amicable personality, Fei is committed to promote AWiB and increase its membership base.

Marthe Nzokou: Falling in love with and committing to AWiB’s cause was easy for Marthe because she met AWiB while examining her life to become her greatest self. She was looking for a supportive feminine space in which she could redefine her values to design her destiny. AWiB’s roundtable discussions sealed the deal for Marthe as they are geared towards self-development. Marthe brought her social, motivated, determined and organized personality to AWiB’s board. She’s dedicated to use AWiB’s networking platform to promote mindful open conversations. Plus, Martherelentlessly promotes AWiB using her exceptional writing as well as her social and professional networks.

Tsedey Tefera: Tsedey constantly challenges herself, takes opportunities, and persists until she gets results. She strives to grow personally and professionally while letting others grow alongside. She strongly believes in building her leadership skills and making an impact by being a part of a great vision. Tsedey joined AWiB’s leadership to bring outher leadership potential. She is committed to execute AWiB’smission, share ideas that benefitsthe organization and bring positive results to its members. Tsedey is trusting, persistent, giving, loving& loyal to her relationships.

The above fabulous women passionately support AWiB’s cause, share its vision, and ready to build sisterhood and make lifetime friends on this journey. They are committed to see AWiB as a household name in our community when they handover the baton to those who follow suit.

Learn more about AWiB’s Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) here: The AWiB Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) Journey: Lessons Learnt – AWiB Ethiopia

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