Yetnayet Abebe

Yetnayet Abebe was born in Addis Ababa in the year1958.

She pursued her education in Ethiopia and Germany , which education culminated in her receiving a PHD degree in Economics from Martin Luther University in Germany .


After graduation she worked in various fields and has accumulated various and wide range of experience. She started her career as an expert in Research and Import Policy Division in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and was then promoted to Head Consumer Cooperative Promotion Division in the Ministry which became to be known as  Ministry of Trade and Industry and further moved up the ladder to become Head Domestic Trade Promotion Division in the same Ministry. She then joined a private business Company in the capacity of Deputy General Manger; the Company specialized in importing necessary chemicals for agriculture and industry.  She then wanted to start her own business and founded Hema Integrated Diagnosis Higher Clinic and became its first Managing Directress.


She continues to move on and is currently Vice President of a sophisticated Computer Company which develops soft ware for any kind of organization; including banks and hotels.

Among several of her extracurricular activities – She is Board Member and Fund Raising and Promotion Committee Head of Mathewos Wondu of Ethiopian Cancer Society.  She organizes walking ceremonies in Addis Ababa city center at least twice per year and raises thousands of Birr to buy medicine for bedridden cancer patient children at the Black Lion Hospital.