Serving Women’s Quality Reproductive Health Need


Are you afraid of an unfriendly environment to visit Hospitals to get reproductive health service? Visit MICHU Clinics; Welcoming Environment, Quality and compassionate Care with almost no payment.
The Center for International Reproductive Health Training (CIRHT) in collaboration with Federal Ministry of Health and ten partner University Hospitals are engaged on improving the quality of reproductive health(RH) services. Currently RH clinics have been established in 8 hospitals in response to the RH needs of the community. The clinics are named ‘MICHU’ which in Amharic means comfort, the word also acknowledges the high contribution of the University of Michigan in setting the RH system. The clinics are designed to give compassionate respectful RH care for women and couples. Prof. Senait Fisseha, the founder of CIRHT, with FMOH has taken a lead in enhancing the quality of medical school platform and the RH care service. Quality improvement is one of the initiatives of creating highly qualified health care providers.
Myths of contraception methods are contributing to unwanted pregnancy in Ethiopia: Visit MICHU Clinics for counseling on contraception methods.
MICHU clinics focus on giving the best quality health care targeting all women of reproductive age. In the clinics women get RH services such as Family planning, Comprehensive Abortion Care, Post-Abortion Care, Antenatal Care, Postnatal Care, infertility treatment and other related RH services. CIRHT’s quality improvement team is working on enhancing aspects of patient care; infrastructure, client friendly environment, staff capacity building, medical equipment and compassionate and respectful care of all MICHU Clinics.
‘In MICHU, WOMEN get a chance to choose.’
In addition to the quality services provided, MICHU clinics are also model clinics where medical and midwifery students learn how to provide a compassionate respectful quality care to patients. In creating a future generation of medical health care professionals, hands-on training is found to be one of the significant teaching methodologies. Hands-on training enables students acquire critical, counseling and communication techniques and skills required to provide quality care.
The clinics work to empower women of all economic and social backgrounds with quality RH service to shape their lives. Creating access to quality RH care answers women’s need to plan and determine their future.
MICHU clinics are currently found in;
- Addis Ababa: St. Paul Millennium Medical College, Black Lion and Ghandi
- Haromaya: Hiwot Fana Hospital
- Mekelle: Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital
- Hawassa: Hawassa University Referral Hospital
- Bahir Dar: Felege Hiwot Hospital
- Debre Tabor: Debretabor Hospital
CIRHT Ethiopia MICHU Clinic Web: Phone: +251-11-8721964/65