Celebrating 10 Years of True Friendship – Ignited in AWiB

Nebat Abbas and Fitsum Kidanemariam
Friendship is a complex yet beautiful thing. It is a bond that is formed among people and can last a lifetime. Our time on this earth wouldn’t be the same without our cherished friends who have stuck with us through hardships and celebrations. Recognizing the necessity of healthy friendships, AWiB is highlighting two of HER most supportive members and their journey through their friendship.
Fitsum Kidanemariam is a Consultant and Trainer, while Nebat Abbas is the General Manager of Phoenix Business Consulting PLC. They started out as acquaintances through Toastmasters, but when both joined AWiB in 2012, a deep bond was formed. It was one faithful day during AWiB’s Self-Confidence workshop, where both still recall that exact moment, they looked at each other and knew they’d found a friend for life. Fitsum and Nebat have been through a lot and have been each other’s support system. Whenever one needed something—whether asked for it or not—they never failed to help out. True friendship is when you have someone to lean on while being challenged to be your greater self.
Your closest friend doesn’t necessarily have to be the one that’s most like you. It didn’t matter that these ladies come from different backgrounds, religions, and age groups. It didn’t matter that they have different personality types – Fitsum is more outgoing, while Nebat is more reserved. Their connection surpassed superficial barriers and allowed them to form a genuine bond. A true friend is someone you trust completely. A friend is not afraid to share harsh truths.
No one has a manual to life, but having a network of people who truly care for your well-being is key to finding fulfillment. We’re all here to live the best lives we can and to find the people who merge into our lives so beautifully. If you’re fortunate enough to find even one friend you can be yourself around and feel safe, you better hold on to them for dear life!
We asked Nebat and Fitsum, “What does friendship mean to you?” Their reply:
Nebat: “Friendship is an important aspect of life that makes life worth living. It means someone you can trust; someone you consult about the things you don’t even tell your own mother. Someone who supports you and challenges you. Friendships make life interesting.”
Fitsum: “Friendship is being truthful, sincere, and showing tenderness.”
AWiB is proud of Fitsum & Nebat for sustaining their strong bond for so long and wishes them many more decades of mutual love, support, and dedication.
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