Self-confidence is experiencing genuinely positive feelings about ourselves while accepting our faults and foibles. It is the key to overcoming fear and pursuing one’s dream.
Self-confidence is experiencing genuinely positive feelings about ourselves while accepting our faults and foibles. It is the key to overcoming fear and pursuing one’s dream.
We are attached to our jobs, our looks, our wealth, people’s opinions, and so on. When things are going well for us, it’s unimaginable to even consider detachment but when we are faced with failures or losses it becomes appealing. Practicing detachment is the key that can help us be unshakable by everchanging situations and outcomes: it is the path that takes us closer to our inner peace.
Childhood trauma is manifested in physical, emotional, spiritual, and social relationships.
Stress is subjective & it cannot be measured with tests. The closest thing used to measure stress levels may be questionnaires by healthcare providers after seeing some symptoms. Only the person experiencing it can determine whether it’s present and how severe it feels.
“Tear off the mask, your face is glorious.” –Rumi
Self-confidence is the attitude we have about our skills, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. It refers to the level of acceptance and trust we have in ourselves and our sense of control in our lives.
Within AWiB, Samrawit sharpened her goal-setting prowess and led the Fund for AWiB (FFA) campaign, validating her leadership spirit. The triumph of the FFA in fundraising laid to rest her self-doubts, revealing the power of collaborative effort and the art of delegation for effective leadership.
“AWiB is a formidable force for women’s personal growth. I have always thought I had a decent network and support system in my personal and professional life until I fully experienced the thoughtful, deliberate, and proactive AWiB women who constantly challenge and inspire my thinking.
This is a compilation of all the activities, programs, and events that AWiB planned, organized, and implemented in the year 2023.
In his bestselling business book Good to Great, Jim Collins talks about the importance of tenacity and humility in Level 5 Leaders’ ”two qualities that help anyone survive in the face …
Five Keys to Building Tenacity and Humility in the Face of Chaos Read More »
We are socially conditioned to make biased judgments about others & ourselves on the basis of specific actions, behaviors, or beliefs. It is our individual responsibility to invest our energy and time in discovering ourselves by ourselves to find our true & unique essence.