Mulumebet Lori – The Determined Entrepreneur

Born in Wonji Shoa and a resident of Addis, Mulumebet Lori, is a beauty therapist and electrologist. She is a successful business woman who pioneered in the development of modern beauty salons and spas in Ethiopia and owns a garment factory called GMM garments which has employed 100 young women.
On a routine basis, she is engaged in managing her beauty salons (spa) that are found in three different branches, to give customers proper advice on skin care as well as train students and workers. These salons provide employment to sixty-five workers.
Mulumebet has served as the Senior Secretary for Save the Children – Norway in Addis Ababa. She actively involves in charitable and philanthropic endeavors ranging from being the President of Sara Cannizzaro Child Minder Association and a Board Member of the Lions Club International and board member of Alliance Women Entrepreneur Program (AWEP). Mulumebet is the co-founder of Sara Canizzaro Child Minder Association that provides support to children for them to have a bright future. She also supports children, the elderly and women with low-income providing them with discounted training fees in her Beauty School. Her practical approach to give back to the community is through empowering people to be self-sufficient and open work opportunities to curb poverty at the household level.
Starting the first skin care training center and having trained over 800 students to date as well as enabling them to get a job is her most noted accomplishment.
Mulumebet enjoys sport activities such as Yoga, Zumba and fitness and is the founder of the Gourmet Group of Addis Ababa (cooking and having a good time with different nationalities).
Her message to the younger generation is that they should educate themselves and must be aware that achieving success does take time; it does not happen overnight. She said, it has taken her over twenty years to reach where she is now. They should also learn to work hard for an extended period of time. They must realize that supporting themselves through work is not only their choice but also their duty. She encourages the young generation to have a vision for their future and to work in a field that they are passionate about rather than focusing only on their salary. She said, “If they work hard in an area they are passionate about, success and money will follow naturally.”
Mulumebet is very grateful of having a healthy life and a wonderful family by her side that enabled her achieve in life.
In her conclusion, she stressed, “I am a very determined woman; I give my work over a 100% all the time”. “I also make time for my other passions, such as community work and of course to my family and friends”. With a determination unshakable, she said, “If you are dedicated enough to achieving your dream, with enough consistency and hard work, anything is possible!”
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