Desset Abebe – 2022 President

Desset is a true believer that all human beings are born equal in dignity and deserve to live their best life possible. This principle has guided her life both in terms of choosing a career and learning path. She always strives to find ways to substantially enhance both hers and other people’s lives and seek to add value to the space she occupies.  Desset believes in the power of communities as well as individuals to transform the world for the good. Her motivation in life is to witness strong sisterhood communities that truly focus on building each other. Hence the decision to join AWIB and to serve as part of its Board where she can have the opportunity to implement some of the sisterhood programs she feels so important.

Desset worked in the public service particularly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia and the Ethiopian Human Rights Commissions before joining her current Organization, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (UN Women)  where she’s been working for the past  eight years. Through her career she focused on empowering communities to claim their rights and benefit from the same while enhancing the awareness of duty bearers of their responsibility to respect, protect and fulfill. Empowering women to lead and enable them to claim their right full space in public life is how she sees her role in her organization.

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