“Managing Change: Reflections from Personal Experience”

Join us on February 7 at 6pm for a session with Misrak Elias on Managing Change: Reflections from Personal Experience.

Change in our personal and organizational realities is inevitable. It is clearly a part of life for which we can position ourselves to better manage change. Change is also something that can be initiated without waiting for it to happen first. How can we increase our capacity to respond to change and thrive through it?

Join AWiB on February 7th as Misrak Elias shares:

  • a personal approach and strategies for effecting change;
  • an experiential based framework for managing change in organizations; and
  • a story of the “Change Agent”

Misrak Elias the founder and owner of MESA Development Solutions, a development consulting company based in Montreal, Canada. Misrak’s career spans over four decades working on Gender and Development at the country, regional and global levels. A designer of the first development program within the UN system targeting women, Misrak has done monumental work in the international arena. She is currently President of Rotary Club of Addis Ababa West and a 2012 AWiB Woman of Excellence Nominee.

Join in on the conversation on effecting change at the personal and organizational level.

Date of event: Thursday 7th February, 2013

Venue:  Hilton Hotel – Harar Grill

Time: 6 pm (networking: 6.00 – 6.30 pm, programme starts at 6.30 pm sharp)

Entrance, refreshment and drink: ETB 100.00 members; ETB 130 non-members

Please confirm by 5th February, by emailing info@awib.org.et. A head count is required for setting up the event and for preparations by the Hilton.

If you would like to sign up as a new member the same evening,annual membership fee is Birr 1200 plus Birr 100 for processing. Please bring two passport photos with you for quick processing on the date of the programme.

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