Sara Yirga Woldegerima – Secretary

Sara Yirga Woldegerima is a business owner and general manager. She is in Agro Investment, import-export and Retail Business. Her companies: YA AGRO INVESTMENT YA COFFEE ROASTERS, and YA MART CENTER.
She has ten years of experience in project management and administration positions in the UN, Local and International NGOs. Sara has specialized in IT and communications.
Sara loves people, loves giving and loves learning (formally and informally). She is quick to generate new ideas especially business related. She Loves brainstorming with people of same or dissimilar interests; she respect others\’ opinions and believes in and appreciate constructive feedbacks. She says she is a work in progress spiritually and in many other aspects of life.
She is married and is a proud mother of three adorable girls. She is proud to join AWiB as a member and mostly to serve in the leadership position. Sara holds a BA in management and is working on her MBA.