Seble Hailu – Psychology Program on Nahoo TV

Psychology Program on Nahoo TV
Seble Hailu
AWiB spotlighted Seble Hailu when she finished her term as the President of AWiB in 2014. She indicated that she was passionate about expanding psychological services in Ethiopia. Now we learned that she started a TV program on psychology on Nahoo TV.
AWiB – Tell us how your passion is being realized in your program?
Seble – Psychology is not a widely known field in Ethiopia though Psychology department was there more than 40 years. Though I do not limit psychology in the university and educational institutions setting – which is the normal practice in Ethiopia, I believe that we all benefit from psychology if we make it simpler and knowable by the general public. Since psychology focuses on thinking, emotion and behavior, it is the business of all individuals. We normally say that our poverty is not due to lack of resources but it is tied to our thinking. Ethiopia is said to have reported progress on economic development and slow progress in human development indicators. Being aware of our psychology, meaning our thinking, attitudes, motivations, perceptions, and so on and working towards the betterment will help us to collaborate and advance wholistically. So I believe I am part of contributing to this development process. Media plays great role in what we cannot accomplish when we do things in small scale. So starting a psychology for people to think about thinking, purposeful living, resolving personal and relational problems, and so and transmitting those on TV for people have access to modern psychological services is quite a leap on my part. I believe this will be continued by others once we see someone dared to pioneer such a program.
AWiB – How does being part of AWiB contributed to realizing your passion?
Seble – I have participated in the Women of Excellence program by interviewing, editing write ups or being in the selection committee. I was fascinated about the exemplary deeds of the nominees. I paid attention to studying their lives to learn from their way of life and what made these women special to be selected and celebrated. I noticed that it was more than achieving their goals. It was about having clear vision and pursuing their dreams. It was about creating impactful work that changed the face of their communities. It was about excelling in the results they produced. I did not want to stop being impressed by their contributions. I wanted to do the same. Since my passion is psychology and it is not very well known in our country, I learned that using mass media could be a wonderful strategy to disseminate messages that impact our thinking. So AWiB has been of great forum for me to have access to resourceful people whom I can emulate excellence. So I transcribed my vision, mission and objectives and pushed myself to develop some entrepreneurial skills and started my business.

AWiB – What is it that makes you feel so highly about psychology?
Seble – Psychology is about why people think the way they think, feel the way they feel, and behave the way they do. It incorporates people’s thinking, emotion, perception, attitude, behavior, motivation of the past, present and future. So it is about humanity. I think that is where the key is for our development.
AWiB – What do you exactly do now?
Seble – I opened an office and started providing counseling services. I teach Marriage and Family Therapy course to 3rd year students at the Addis Ababa University. I provide management and psychology consultancy services and conduct trainings. I prepare programs to be transmitted on Nahoo TV. This one takes a lot of my time, energy and money. I am now learning cinematography at TOM so that I will be knowledgeable about the technical aspects of filming the reality documentary shows I produce.
AWiB – Tell us about your show?
Seble – It is called EthioPsych. Some asked me why I did not name it after my name. I chose the name based on the two important elements I want to magnify: Ethiopia and Psychology. It is about ‘Ethiopians’ way of thinking, attitudes, perceptions, way of dealings with life, and so on. It is a 30 minutes show transmitted on Sunday morning. I divided the show into four parts. Since my ultimate goal resonates with my country’s development and transformation, I wanted to start with personal leadership development and called it – (????). The second part of the program focuses on women, I called it (???) whereby I feature women who address the topics of the month. (??) is the third component that focuses on family issues. The last few minutes are spent on providing psychological analysis of our proverbs, songs, sayings to provoke thinking and examine our social values. It is called (??? ???). I developed 12 months program and submitted to Nahoo TV and they have approved and the programs are now filmed and being transmitted.
AWiB – We noticed you called your company Endaee…. How did you pick up that name?
Seble – Endaee is a unique Ethiopian expression that that encloses inquiry, amazement, searching, probing synchronizing the three important elements of what, why and how of things. As I also described it in my website, the curiosity to know, discover, excel, finding an answer and fulfillment is what keeps humans going beyond fulfilling physiological needs. Hence, labeling the company with this peculiar word is meant to show the capacity of the mind to search, question, challenge and push limits to excel in what humans are created to be and do at the same time having the Ethiopian flavor.
AWiB – What is your evaluation of your progress so far?
Seble – I think that I am on the right track. Starting a business is a very cumbersome thing. In Western society, in which few people in Addis have adopted, there is a practice of buying all sorts of things for an expecting mother to welcome a child. Friends, colleagues and family members buy whatever is needed for that child and the child is born in a family with potential to meet his/her needs. Starting a business is like having a child. I was actually thinking why wouldn’t we have a baby shower for business starters? That different people donate or buy things to support starters? It will make it a bit easier for many brilliant ideas were not realized because the first steps are burdensome both financially and logistically. Though I spent all my money on the TV program and felt stuck, I was given support by one of my brothers to push it. So I feel that I have now passed the first steps, and is ready to continue realizing my dream.

AWiB – What is the feedback you get from your viewers?
Seble – Since I am already known by answering one question from the public on Endalkna Mahder Besheger program, many people expressed their excitement and encouraged me to push it. Thus far, about five episodes are transmitted and most of the feedbacks are constructive. Many appreciated the different issues addressed and the non-conventional ways of addressing psychological issues. Two comments that I will take it seriously were: I may need to present the program in the form of edutainment to attract many, like presenting some programs in the form of drama and providing psychological analysis. The other was since 5 and 10 minutes are not enough to transmit deeper issues, it is better to focus on only two for one season and do the other two in another… so I am thinking about the best way to modify the delivery.
AWiB – What are your next steps?
Seble – In my spotlight interview, I have informed you that I would like to establish counselors association. We have Ethiopian Psychological Association but we also need to have practitioners who will take psychology to its next higher stage. About four practitioners have gathered and started the process of legal registration so my next step is involving interested psychology practicing professionals and have a legally acknowledged association.
As far as my business is concerned, doing some marketing things and promoting the business will be my next step.
AWiB – Congratulations Seble on your new business and TV shows! We believe you will make a big difference.
Seble – Thank you very much for the platform you have given me! It is a privilege to live for one’s dream and thank you for all who have supported me in different ways to start my business and TV show!
Seble Hailu
Executive Producer, Ethio Psych
Endaee Communication Consultancy Counseling and Training Services PLC.
+251-111-263433; +251-941-909090; +251-911-606055
- #Psychology Program