Narrating the Truth!

Impala Communication

When those who mirror one’s strengths show up, it is euphoric.  They may even fill the gaps as we all contribute to our collective goal differently.  AWiB met Impala Communication six years ago.  Impala was aiming to do just what AWiB was working on:  changing the narrative of Ethiopia, which is full of distortion as of late.  Impala makes its purpose that the world sees this great nation, Ethiopia, in a true light that it always has been.  In the case of Women of Excellence (WOE), AWiB furnishes the subjects; Impala creates impeccable stories that leave observers in awe.  Narrating Ethiopia’s story from the Palace to the trenches is not work for Impala but a labor of love.

Partnering with AWiB, Impala shines the light on change-makers in the community who were too busy or humble to show off their work to the world.  Both organizations were elated with the opportunity to bring their efforts together for a successful documentation of legends.

Established in 2011, the Impala Communication team of seven is Addis- and London-based, headed by life partners Meron Feleke and Terusew Arefaine.  Meron is also a long-standing AWiB member.

A strong intention of documenting our own stories has always been at the heart of the collaboration of AWiB and Impala.  AWiB gathers from the community nominations of women quietly working, changing Ethiopia for the better.  Meticulously researched profiles of some 33 women are narrowed down to about 15, and the AWiB members go out to interview the women and write profiles.  Then, with a board meeting of strong opinions and deep discussion, the final five to seven are selected.  Impala takes on the project of producing documentaries of the finalists—interviewing them, filming them at work, and meeting those they have worked with or impacted.  The exquisite pieces that only Impala can produce are presented at the annual WOE gala dinner at the Sheraton Addis, a celebration like no other!

Reliable, consistent, professional, and committed to excellence, Impala Communication always has AWiB’s vision and mission in mind.  We work well together because our purpose aligns seamlessly.

Thank you, Impala Communication, for making our work look effortless!  We shine because you lend your torch.

The AWiB Team

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