As people, we long to fit in, to belong; and to be accepted. Every so often, we realize that our need to accommodate in some places is far greater than the urge to be true to ourselves. We notice that our principles get thrown out the window the second we feel uncomfortable in our skin. The simple thought of being left out is brought forth as a death-defying feat. Although our fear of exclusion gnaws at us, allowing the mindset of truthfulness to grow in our lives will liberate us.
Acquiring the mindset of authenticity is crucial when it comes to living a life faithful to our values because it’s in the courage to be unapologetically ourselves that we learn to accept our flaws as they are. It’s in the journey of constant rectification, that we are led to beautiful discoveries. It’s in understanding that vulnerability doesn’t specifically mean weakness, that we can embrace our emotions without suppressing them. It’s in allowing ourselves to feel, that we overcome barriers. It’s in shifting our self-sabotaging paradigms that we travel freely- through the pursuit of purpose.
Being brave enough to pursue authenticity as a generation uncovers hidden jewels in every corner. In a generation that possesses abundant potential, our authenticity can be measured by our ability to discover our truth, know it from within, and act upon our calling for the good of our society and country. It can be measured in the multitude of people that refuse to conform in an inhibiting way but allow themselves to go through the metamorphosis of growth and discovery. It’s in that authentic generation that change will inevitably arise.
An authentic generation is an example set in stone for those afraid of taking a leap of truth towards becoming their genuine selves. At times, we find that those leaps are towards unbecoming the person we’re labeled as, towards unlearning all that has tainted our souls. The generation that holds truth dear will inspire all those lost in conformity, it will free those trapped in despondency, and help them realize that their truths matter, that their truths are beautiful.
As an individual, being unapologetically authentic gives people around us the invisible confirmation to be daring with who they truly are. Our character allows them to feel safe in their being, it’s that soothing voice in their storm that whispers “not all will accept you as you are, but that doesn’t mean you should shrink to be anyone or anything less.”
When a country is authentic, it harbors peace and unity amongst all. When everyone does their part to live in all honesty, it’ll make room for growth and sincere change in hearts. Leaving the ways of deceptions and coming towards the light of complete sincerity will be a stepping stone for any country.
As a society, authenticity brings about synchrony. When people in a community genuinely show up for each other, with no ulterior motive whatsoever, not feigning interest, there will be a mutual understanding, there will be perfect harmony.
All in all, we should be people that cherish our unique being. Trading our authenticity for acceptance will strip layers away from our personality, we’ll come to see that we’re losing ourselves, slowly but surely. Our sense of purpose will dwindle to dust. But living authentically come acceptance or rejection will play enormous roles in every nook and cranny of our lives.