Town Hall

At AWiB, we believe in reaching out to every corner of our community. We argue the best way to do that is bringing the AWiB movement to your neighborhood through Town Hall Meetings. A Town Hall Meeting is more than just an assembly. It is the meeting of like minds within every township/kebele. The primary goal of these meetings is to create awareness about AWiB. By taking our message to different locations, we aim to reach as many people as possible and engage with our community.
At AWiB, we’re not just an organization but a movement! We’re here to break down barriers and shatter glass ceilings. AWiB is a catalyst for Ethiopian women to connect, grow, and emerge as leaders. AWiB provides a platform to network, learn, and exchange information essential to your professional development. AWiB achieves Her mission through a variety of initiatives: mentorship programs, workshops, networking events, and an advocacy platform for women’s rights. We believe in the power of women and we’re here to support your journey towards self-empowerment.
Join our Town Hall Meetings; get answers to key questions– why AWiB exists and most importantly how you could be part of the movement.