WOE Celebrities:     Bogalech Gebre, Frealem Shibabaw, Liya Tadesse,Rahel Mekuria,Tadelech Hailemikael, Tirhas Mezgebe and Zemi Yenus


Keynote Speaker                        Catherine Hamlin

Mistress of Ceremonies (MC)   Sefanit (Munit) Musfin

05:00– 06.00 PM            Arrival, & Welcoming of Guests

                                          Art exhibition by Kidist Berhanu and Meron Ermias for the 2nd year by popular demand!!!

05:30– 06.15 PM            Welcoming the WOE, one-to-one with WOE and photo session, with Guest of Honor,

with AWiB leadership, with family and friends.

06:30 PM                        Ceremonial Procession into the Ball room  

07:00 PM                          Evening Program Starts

  • MC makes a welcoming speech & invites AWiB 2014 President Ms. Seble Hailu to the podium
  • AWiB film runs and Message from  the President, Seble Hailu
  • Late comers stay standing till seated by the ushers

07:30 PM               Three- Course Sit-Down Dinner accompanied by live piano music

  • Featuring Jorga Mesfin, an accomplished Pianist

08:15 – 08:30 PM            St. Yared Painting on Auction

08:30 – 08:40 PM           Music by Tsedenia G. Markos

08:40 – 09:00 PM            Honoring Ms. Mary Jane Wagler, Leader of Temsalit: Phenomenal Ethiopian Women Project

09:00 – 09:20 PM            Introduction of WOE – 1st four on film

09:20 – 09:30 PM            Music by Tsedenia G. Markos

09:30 – 09:45 PM            Introduction of WOE – 2nd three on Film

09:45 – 10:00 PM            WOE on stage and Q&A session facilitated by MC

10:00 – 10:10 PM            Remarks from representative of the external panel of judges

10:15 – 10:30 PM            Keynote Speaker, Dr. Catheline Hamlin’s speech on Excellence &

Announcing AWiB 2014 WOE Titleholder

          • Dr. Catherine will hand gifts to all WOE
          • 2014 WOE Titleholder Reflection

11:00 PM                            Vote of Thanks by MC and end of program