4:30 – PM WOE arrive to mingle with guests
4:45-5:45 PM Facilitated Q&A
5:45-6:00 PM Guests are seated
6:00-6:15 PM WOE Ceremonial procession to Dining room
6:15-6:20 PM MC makes opening remarks  and invites AWiB President Metasebia S. Yilma to the floor
6:20-6:30 PM AWiB President delivers Opening Speech
6:30-6:35 PM MC Introduces Lifetime Achievement Award  Recipient Dr. Tewabech Bishaw
6:35-6:55 PM Documentary  of Dr. Tewabech’s Life Journey
6:55-7:00 PM Remarks by UNWOMEN Country Director Letty Chiwara
7:00-7:05 PM UN Women presents Dr. Tewabech the award and speech from Dr. Tewabech
7:05- 7:15 PM AWiB 2018 President Metasebia Yilma introduces CBE and their 7 years of contribution to AWiB’s growth. CBE President will give acceptance speech  on the Appreciation Award
7:15-7:45 PM Dance Show by Adugna Dance Group
7:50- 8:15 PM Viewing WOE Film
8:20-9:35 PM Dinner is Served (Hibir violinists serenade)
9:35-9:40 PM WOE will take a seat on the stage
9:40-9:50 PM Keynote Speech by Professor Fetien Abay
9:50-10:00 PM  A representative of the WOE  judges introduces the process
10:00 PM WOE Titleholder is announced
10:00-10:10 Speech by AWiB 2018 WOE Titleholder
10:30 PM Closing