On AWiB May 2016 Forum!
“The concept of transformation may appear to be a lofty one. This Forum has enabled us to look at the term Transformation at a personal level, and make it our own”
~Konjit Seyoum at the keynote address for 2016 AWiB May Forum~
AWiB May Forum, a reputable and eye opening yearly event has come and gone. Close to 500 curious participants, first timers and regulars attended. This year’s theme was
Transformation: Personal, Organizational, Cultural.
This Forum presented 21 speakers including ten female parliamentarians. This highly inspirational yearly Forum also attracts a number of members to AWiB. To illustrate our point, we present testimonials from a participant, board members and 2014 president.
The May Forum was my first attraction point to be part of AWiB. I attended the first Forum in 2012 and got acquainted with high caliber and efficient women whom I wanted to be identified with.
I was excited to see these women who desire to initiate a change movement that challenge the current status quo and work towards leadership development of women. The shift in me is the contentment to find like-minded women who think beyond their immediate circumstances and think at the national as well as international level. For me leadership is where the answer lies. So working on leadership development is finding answers to all our deeply rooted problems.
I became a member of AWiB, then a board member, then the President in 2014. I personally learned from my predecessors, women of excellence, and board members and I started my own business following the exemplary qualities of these successful women. I have a forum to write my ideas, lead and participate in round-table discussions, support the leadership afterwards to see the impact of women leadership. Am feeling great to be part of a movement that ultimately acknowledges the importance of women leadership development.
The impact may not be seen in short-term but I believe the seed of excellence is being sowed that will be reaped in due time as women reflect what they learn and implement in their daily lives, businesses, relationships, and every dealings.
Seble Hailu, Counsellor, Media Personality
“The day I decided to join AWiB was the day I was honest to myself by admitting that I needed MORE to be a better leaders”.
Tihitina Legesse, GM, Waryt Furniture PLC, 2015 AWiB board member and May Forum 2016 Speaker
“I like this association. It is a building block not only for women but also the whole country’s development endeavor. Keep up the good work”. Alemayehu Getachew, Project E.
For those of you who attended this substantive Forum, we say thank you and we trust you have made new friends, renewed old ones and looked deeply into your authentic leader self.
To those of you who have not made it this year, we will be waiting for you in 2017.
If you would like to be part of this exciting event, you may do so by suggesting themes and speakers.
The rationale behind May Forum is to cultivate a culture of dialogue in our nation; so we say KEEP dialoguing because we do.
Enjoy the photos from the Forum. Hope you will find your beautiful self in US.