Kebkab Sirgew
Kebkab Sirgew is a lecturer at the Law School at Addis Ababa Universit. Kebkab has previously worked at the Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association (EWLA) and Justice and Legal system Research Institute in her capacity as a Legal expert and currently sits on the board of EWLA. Kebkab is actively involved in quite a number of professional associations such as the Group of 40 (G-40), a loose network supported by Club of Madrid. This group brings 40 professional women from the greater Horn of Africa and works towards peace and security issues in the region.
Kebkab holds inner peace, compassion, love and fairness as her main values and loves interacting and learning with and from new people of diverse cultures. She holds dear to her heart reading new and mind provoking notions that lead to new discoveries. She believes that compassion is the major way in which people can live peacefully in this world.
Kebkab holds a Masters of Arts Degree in Human rights from Addis Ababa University, Institute of Human Rights and a bachelor of Laws from the same University