Aster Getachew Demeke

Aster Getachew Demeke works as a Business Development Manager and Advisor to CEO at Capital Hotel and Spa.

Aster Getachew Demeke works as a Business Development Manager and Advisor to CEO at Capital Hotel and Spa. In her previous career Aster worked as finance and administration manager for different companies in Addis Ababa.  Aster has helped many businesses grow to their potential as she defines herself “a voice behind success”

Aster also owns a business “ASTRUM BUSINESS PLC” – a retail stationary, computer accessories and office machinery, living out her childhood dream as a successful businesswoman.

Aster believes that being an entrepreneur is being creative and one doesn’t have to have a lot of money, complicated business plan, or great deal of experience to start something. She says “the secret to owning a business and running it successfully is building your success around something that you love, something that is inherently and endlessly interesting to you”.

Her wish for the world is to make a nurturing environment and affording opportunities for creativity. She would like to see Ethiopian women grow to be widely successful; she encourages every woman to take that next step to extend themselves beyond their self imposed boundaries. Aster holds a BA Degree in Business Management.