A Book & Journey Released!

የህይወቴ ቅኝት

An intriguing book is born from one of the closest allies of AWiB—Fitsum KidaneMariam.  Fitsum’s first book, የህይወቴ ቅኝት, loosely translated “life’s lessons” is sure to be a winner; winner for its outstanding writing, winner for its boldness, winner for its exemplary of good citizenry.  የህይወቴ ቅኝት is a must read for it tells a story of persistency, resiliency, generosity, honesty, and utmost self-confidence and self-assuredness.  If one thinks of a special gift for that special person, የህይወቴ ቅኝት stands out on the shelf.  It shows one how to fight corruption, sexism, ageism, and doing it in a fun and entertaining way.  Hooray to a prominent AWiBer and awaiting the 2nd book!

The author, Fitsum, in her own words:

When I was planning to write a book, I never thought it as such a difficult task.  I was sure of it because I wrote my first book, የህይወቴ ቅኝት “Ye Hiwote Qignit” in my mother tongue: Amharic.  However, I have learned more about my Amharic writing skill after my husband’s comments on my wordings; he made red marks on every page of the printed first draft.  Though he appreciated the way I expressed my life journey, he taught me that the words we use while speaking are totally different when it comes to writing.  My husband is my DAGMAWI YENETA!  Although writing a book is not an easy task, the feeling is like having a new baby and the mother forgets the labor pains and starts planning for the next baby.  My respect for writers is another new experience, a realization.  All in all, I would like to thank all my friends and family who participated in the materialization of my book.  A special thank you goes to my mother and my እቁብተኞች “EKUBTEGNOCH” (majority AWiB friends and other friends).  Without their financial support, this write up wouldn’t have turned into a book…an idea put to action!

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