My Journey to ‘Mitik’

Talk about New Year’s resolutions, I finally made one that I committed myself to seeing through, and guess what guys? I saw it through and reached my goal, with flying colors I might add! Of course, you already know, the journey consisted of some splitting migraines, long endless nights, dragged out quiet days, and more than a pinch of the wonderful hormones. Being pregnant was quite the ride and I am happy to now say, I got to my light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel ya’ll!
First, I had to make the decision to myself that I was prepared to go on such ajourney to begin with, which involved some serious reflecting time with myself. It’s an amazing change of perspective when a woman decides to make that leap; a leap into the unknown realm of motherhood, a scary yet very beautiful leap into the nature of creation. It was not easy to confidently take the next step in my life. It required me to really consider all that I had learned at AWiB, as far as my femininity goes. Everything I learned from all the self-development classes I attended on those Saturdays came in handy, preparing me beyond what I could have imagined I could achieve.
With our decision made, the hubby and I enjoyed our last nights of blissful freedom as a couple whose only responsibility was each other. Weekend shenanigans with friends, spontaneous out of town trips, spare of the moment outings and how could I forget, the let’s-sleep-in-late-today type of days. Ah, it was beautiful; so simple and so easy. I had, at the time, absolutely no idea, none whatsoever, of what to really expect. Of course the only truth we understood was that we were about to enter unknown terrain that would require our full attention and serious responsibility obligations.
The year started out as any other, resolution made and goal set, I began what I consider my physical preparation for the task I aimed for. Took all the right vitamins, watched my nutrition, slowed down on all my weekend activities and mentally affirmed to myself the acceptance of the coming change. Three months in and on my birthday exactly, as I decided to surprise my mother with a bouquet of flowers, I found out I was indeed pregnant. Flowers for my mom, you ask? Well, a very good friend of mine told me we should celebrate our mothers on our birthdays because it truly is their day, and not ours. So with a bouquet in hand, I woke my mom up to my beautiful news. Thrilled does not begin to describe my mother’s joy!
The first three months were pretty much hell, the transition was work. Headaches, all day long, anxiety filled sleep and surprisingly, considering my very hearty appetite, I lost all desire for food. When the bump set in, the reality hit hard and the realization that I could not go back now, well, you can imagine, happy and terrified at the same time. I continued my daily routine as usually, at work every day, dealing with the headaches, stuffing “damakase”, an Ethiopian herb, in my nose as a natural remedy and trying hard to focus my energy on my work and getting through each day as much as I could.
The weekends were hard, I missed my outings, my social life, my body, regardless, I pursued on. The next three months things eased out as I settled into my new body, my new mind set and my new lifestyle. Picking out baby clothes, diapers and everything else baby-related possible I could think of kept my mind busy. I was still working for the most part and finally trained myself to take naps from time to time, which was hard for a person like me. Spreading the news was another task, I had no idea how excited my elders were for us, I had no idea how happy my personal decision made people feel. Even strangers passing by would smile or give a respectful nod or politely let me get by first, as a culture stating that the child might be a “papas” a pope, or “nigus” a king. Being pregnant is a big deal lekas?!
The last months came by and my excitement was unbearable, the days would not end quickly enough. Walking like a penguin side to side, breathing heavy walking up stairs and finally downing food like a real pregnant woman should, I carried on gracefully, while finalizing my master’s thesis, I might add. Then the labor hit, subtle at first and then bone cracking pain throughout, I honestly don’t know how I survived. But thirty hours later and then surgery, my little ‘Mitik’ came to us with ten perfect little toes and ten perfect little fingers. My first contact with my son as he latched on to breastfeed was pure, unfiltered hysterical laughter for a straight fifteen minutes; could have been the drugs or me being the ticklish person I am, who knows, but it was great!
They tell you, your world shifts, when you look into your child’s eyes for the first time, they weren’t lying. Mesmerized and lost we are in our little ‘Mitik”. And so my AWiB sisters and friends, I depart you with this, even though I have exceeded my 800-word mark. I have to tell you that we can truly make our dreams come true once we make that decision to work towards it. My business master’s and a baby were my goals last year and I fulfilled them both. I found my strength, strength I did not know I had in me. I came into my “woman-ness” with such grace; I, for the first time in my life, was so proud of myself. It’s not so much about having a baby, but my mental preparation, determination and persistence shined more than ever before. And I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that AWiB had lot to do with it. So Happy belated New Year’s to everyone! Set your mind to your resolutions and blessings and good luck to all to reaching your goals.