In doing so
On a Sunday afternoon, I am reflecting on a successful event I helped organize for AWiB.
Association of Women in Business (AWiB) is a young and dynamic association that strives to develop women leaders in Ethiopia. The event was to celebrate great Ethiopians for their immense contribution to their community — “Women of Excellence”. As a founder and president of AWiB, most responsibilities as a leader, naturally fell on my plate. But I had great help from the 13 dynamic and committed boardmembers that AWiB is blessed with. It was fun and was a very successful event.
This was a dream I had for a long time… when I start a networking group that allows women of purpose to come together and to create… my dream was also to celebrate those who have done this creation in their lives without the benefit of a platform such as AWiB. I succeeded in both.
Many who know me and my tenacity for every meaningful endeavor ask me what my drive is. And I say it is more like a commitment. So, dear readers, I want to tell you a bit about commitment and through my brief analysis you get to know me a bit.
The most important factor for individual success is commitment. Commitment sparks action….then results will follow. Commitment is a personal thing that each of us must face every day. Being committed and staying committed is a mindset that each of us must address in our lives if we want to become a success. Commitment also requires a strong belief in what we do. The pillar of our being is founded strongly in a strong belief of what we do must be done. I believe that’s the tenet for my success.
Without commitment nothing happens. I see many in our community start something and don’t follow it with action. Lack of commitment is the malaise that has plagued our life and prevents us from what we want to be; where we want to go and who we want to take with us. Rather we have become spectators with many nay sayers and surprised when someone gets it. “Women of Excellence”, the event I am talking about involved many and wasn’t easy or simple. It involved emotional as well as physical investment. But I knew it would be successful because I was committed to its success. I was not surprised but the reaction of many made me realize no one did believe it would fly.
A certain Steve Pavlina concludes commitment for me and I would like to use this excerpt from him.
Put your head underwater and keep it there for a while. You’ll soon realize that you’re 100% committed to breathing. Notice that you don’t make excuses not to breathe. Notice that you don’t worry about motivating yourself to breathe. Notice that you don’t need to justify your desire to breathe. You just breathe.
Commitment is action. No excuses. No debate. No lengthy analysis. No whining about how hard it is. No worrying about what others might think. No cowardly delays. Just go. What if something gets in the way of your commitment? What would you do if someone tried to prevent you from breathing?
Fortunately, paying the price that commitment commands has payoffs worth the cost – a reputation for integrity and, even more important, the commitment of others in return. Commitment is a two-way street. You only get it if you are willing to give it. So, dear readers, if you want to succeed, Commit!