Roman Kifle

Founder and President Elect

A strong leader and a dedicated philanthropist, Roman’s strongest suit is motivating teams to achieve organizational objectives. Though involved in a number of volunteer organizations, Roman’s passion is education. Roman tirelessly works on educating the less fortunate “young girls”, and for many years has provided and still provides the tools and resources that have changed many lives of young women and girls in Ethiopia.

Educated in the United States, she received Bachelors and Masters Degrees in finance and management from Marymount University. Before returning to Ethiopia in 2001, she worked for Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) for over 15 years in Management and Finance. Since her return to Addis, she has worked with –

  • Siemens Airfield Solution Department – Project Manager during the construction of Addis Ababa International Airport
  • Unity University College – Director, “Challenge 100,000 Africa” involved in educating young underprivileged women
  • Currently as General Manager of one of the four star hotels in Addis Ababa

She is also involved assisting a number of volunteer organizations:

  1. Advisory board member of EFF (Ethiopian Family Fund) a 501c3 non-profit organization based in CA
  2. Volunteer member of Mending Kids based in CA
  3. Board chair of MCMDO (Mothers and Children Multisectoral Development organization) – NGO based in Addis
  4. Educating 25 girls (Roman’s Girls) under the scholarship program at MCMDO with the assistance and collaboration of EFF
  5. Founding member and President of “WFL” Women for Life, a ten year plan to create a center of excellence in Woman and Child Health Care for Gandhi Hospital